salam allz..pening nye mak nak td en hubby bgtau die kene g lumut start 12hb..aduh,kacau betul n dah pasti clash dgn tentative 25hb aku nk buat bdaya bash hanis n ktrg discuss nak skrg tentative nye 11 much to do..sbb nye 4-8hb aku nk g kch...tggll bbrp ari je by today dah kene finalise invitation n by tomoorow atau friday kene send out kad jemputan..benci betul bile kene rushing2 ni..pastu nk kene discuss ngn cameraman balik...
terfikir je xyah anta kad2 ni,tp skrg ni jarang dah org anta kad..lebih byk melalui fb n aku tetap gak nk anta kad..ehhehehe
doakan semua nya berjln dgn lancar yer...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
checklist bday bash hanis n hadi
salam...ari ni kepala aku pusing buat keje n tetibe terfikir nk wat checklist utk bday party anak2 ku...(sempat jer pikir walau tgh serabut)hehehhehe...
n aku pun tgh pikir nk jemput sape jer...n the food that will b serve...kang x cukup plak makanan..actually kene discuss dgn en hubby,takut die x setuju..yg pasti aku xnak makanan yg berkuah..nnt tumpah atas lantai,penat plak aku nk skrg mmg aku fikir makanan yg easy n finger food jer...
antara menu yg aku rs ok...
nasi goreng cina(xpedas utk budak2 mkn), bihun goreng, cheese tart, kek lapis/kek marble(ni aku nk bake sendiri),buah2,nugget n fries...ade ape2 x aku tertinggal?rs mcm nk serve yong taufu gak kene fikir balik,muat ke x peti ice aku nk isi semua benda ni....
nnt bday kek aku nk tempah mickey (utk hadi) n minnie (utk hanis)..goodies utk bebudak aku dah beli choc(pesan kat sil yg g langkawi)...cume nk beli x loot beg?...belon n banner pun aku dah beli..paper plate n cup pun dah ada...n cameraman pun dah aku booking...
semangat nye la aku nk celeb bday dieorg dua...lgpun jarang gak aku panggil org mkn2 kat umah..hehehehe...
n aku dah beli invitation card,skrg tggl nk finalise jemputan antara belah aku n hubby jer...n aku plan nk mtk cuti 2 hari before that..aci ke x?hahahahhaha...
n aku pun tgh pikir nk jemput sape jer...n the food that will b serve...kang x cukup plak makanan..actually kene discuss dgn en hubby,takut die x setuju..yg pasti aku xnak makanan yg berkuah..nnt tumpah atas lantai,penat plak aku nk skrg mmg aku fikir makanan yg easy n finger food jer...
antara menu yg aku rs ok...
nasi goreng cina(xpedas utk budak2 mkn), bihun goreng, cheese tart, kek lapis/kek marble(ni aku nk bake sendiri),buah2,nugget n fries...ade ape2 x aku tertinggal?rs mcm nk serve yong taufu gak kene fikir balik,muat ke x peti ice aku nk isi semua benda ni....
nnt bday kek aku nk tempah mickey (utk hadi) n minnie (utk hanis)..goodies utk bebudak aku dah beli choc(pesan kat sil yg g langkawi)...cume nk beli x loot beg?...belon n banner pun aku dah beli..paper plate n cup pun dah ada...n cameraman pun dah aku booking...
semangat nye la aku nk celeb bday dieorg dua...lgpun jarang gak aku panggil org mkn2 kat umah..hehehehe...
n aku dah beli invitation card,skrg tggl nk finalise jemputan antara belah aku n hubby jer...n aku plan nk mtk cuti 2 hari before that..aci ke x?hahahahhaha...
hanis kuat mkn
salam...ari ni hanis dah 2 thn 9hari..dah pandai pakai baju n butangkan sendiri..i'm really impress..n dr td x henti makan..asyik2 g bukak peti ice amek sunkist...risau plak tgk die asyik mengunyah...hehhehehe
Thursday, May 26, 2011
jiwa kacau 1430 hours
salam all..aku x puas hati..meluatnye...sbb x tau nk bgtau sape so aku post gak entry ni...pls la if u think u want to do something big,dont condemn org lain yg tgh berserabut nk settlekan kj hakiki....bukan nye xnak tolong,tp tgh ade bende now,im thinking positive,lantak ko la..ko rs ko boleh buat,buat je la...jgn dok involve org n if org xleh tlg,nak mengumpat plak lps tu...sblm ni kalau aku rs nk buat ape2 xde plak aku nk mintak tlg lebih2 sbb tau kemampuan org nk tlg..semua org ader kj yg perlu di beres!
sekian..aku rs sape2 yg bace mst x faham luahan hati aku least kurang ckit rs meluat dah...ahahhahahaha....
sekian..aku rs sape2 yg bace mst x faham luahan hati aku least kurang ckit rs meluat dah...ahahhahahaha....
Monday, May 23, 2011
hanis 2 years + new bicycle
salam allz..last fri was hanis bday..she turn 2..but her bday celebration was only last sun (22nd may)...n i did not invite a lot of frenz..just for families n her cousins...becoz im planning for bigger crowd on the 25th june where i plan to double celebrate hanis n hadi 1st bday bash..cant wait for that..hehehehehe...
during that day,we can see her happy face..she act naturally with her cousins without being fussy..she's mingle around from one person to another..n she even want to cut his cake was so different from her 1st bday, where i hv to catch her attention just to cut the cake...n u can see how enthusiatic her coussies' faces..all the kids can't wait when is the cake cutting ceremony...(they keep on asking u know!)
then the next day, hubby n me looking for her 2nd bday gift..both of us agreed to give her a new bike..(all these while she keep on looking kids with bikey...)now her wish comes parents, we were satisfied when we see the look on her face once she lay her eyes on the bike...even before sleep she park the bike next to her bed..hanis..hanis..we really loves u!!!
lots of loves...
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hanis loves long as mickey n fellows frenz! |
then the next day, hubby n me looking for her 2nd bday gift..both of us agreed to give her a new bike..(all these while she keep on looking kids with bikey...)now her wish comes parents, we were satisfied when we see the look on her face once she lay her eyes on the bike...even before sleep she park the bike next to her bed..hanis..hanis..we really loves u!!!
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hadi enjoy the moments too... |
Sunday, May 15, 2011
jalan2 klcc
salam..well,semalam hari yg hanis n hadi jln2..mule2 tu aku g jakel..g usha swiss cotton..cantik2 belaka n murah (ada sale) cam rimas plak nk pilih,sbb ramai sgt pekerje die sibuk tnye mane yg kt minat...kdg2 ok gak kalu ade salesgirl most of the time org yg shopping xsuke la asyik2 tnye yg mane berkenan...nk pilih pun ade yg menyibuk..last2 aku blah jer...g beli kat kedai lain yg lbh private n xde paksaan utk kt pilih...
then ktrg g klcc..actually sil yg ajak..kalu ikut hati mst la aku mls nk pg..sbb cuaca terik n g mandikan budak2 kat kolam klcc since mr hubby nak pg,aku pun pg la..hadi mmg suke sgt air,hanis cam takut..may b die x suke baju basah2 kot...
then later that day,hubby g times square plak..beli kasut turf..mak aie abis rm300 semata2 beli kasut (aku x puas hati sbb kasut aku x sampai harga tu).hahahahahaha...
sampai umah,semua org collapse awal sbb penat sesgt..pastu hari ni kj plak..esok cuti wesak day...nyway,happy teacher's day!!!
then ktrg g klcc..actually sil yg ajak..kalu ikut hati mst la aku mls nk pg..sbb cuaca terik n g mandikan budak2 kat kolam klcc since mr hubby nak pg,aku pun pg la..hadi mmg suke sgt air,hanis cam takut..may b die x suke baju basah2 kot...
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hadi syok main air... |
sampai umah,semua org collapse awal sbb penat sesgt..pastu hari ni kj plak..esok cuti wesak day...nyway,happy teacher's day!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
hanis almost 2 years old
salam allz..just to update bout my hanis..die dah semakin membesar..byk bende dah boleh buat sendiri..setakat pakai baju n sluar sendiri dah boleh,tp kekadang tunggang terbalik gak la..hahahah..but of course im proud of her...yg latest ntah dr mane die dpt idea,tempat yg tinggi2 die leh plak terfikir tolak kerusi to get whatever she want...mmg la bijak..dan boleh plak tolak kerusi ke sinki nk basuh mulut lps makan...aduhai anakku...9 hari lg die 2 thn..cepat nye la ms thing about her bad habit, die mmg mls nk jln sendiri kalau ktrg going out..die lbh suke ddk lam stroller xpun minta dukung..hanis..hanis...buat ibu tersenyum bile teringat karenah die...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
salam..entah la,arini tibe2 nk share ape yg aku rs..lately aku rs depress sgt2..byk sbb kot..antaranya: penat lyn anak, x cukup ms utk diri sendiri, nobody to share my thoughts (coz recently hubby ade join venture with his bro bukak dobi, so he spent most of his time there)..n aku rs sbb aku dah yatim piatu..sblm ni bile ade mslh, boleh gak story ckit2 with my dad (mum pass away dec 2006)...eversince my dad pass away last march,aku mmg rs kosong je hidup ni...nasib baik la parents aku xde ms aku dah besar n xde la terkapai2 cr haluan hidup...
last weekend aku ade bc psl meroyan for ibu2 yg lps bersalin...aku penah research ms preggy dulu..yup,ibu2 yg lps bersalin mmg mudah kena post-partum depression...tu yg org melayu panggil gila mslh nya skrg ni aku dah lama lps pantang,tp ade gak rs depress...hahahhahaha....normal human being la aku ni kan...xde la happy selalu...
n aku rs stress gak kot psl d office..mak aie,politik d ofis jgn d main2...aku paling takut dgn mulut2 yg to control n avoid,aku mmg kureng la nk campur ngn org yg aku kategori mulut2 jahat....depan2 mulut manis,belakang mak aie,mengumpat x ingat dunia...nauzubillah...aku halal je kalau aku jd bhn umpatan tp seboleh2nya aku nk elak dr terlibat..sbb nye xde ape2 kebaikan pun pd organisasi..lingkup lg ade la sbb memasing rs diri sendiri best...
sekian coretan aku lps hujan since 4am pg td(ingat mls je nk kj..hehehehe)
last weekend aku ade bc psl meroyan for ibu2 yg lps bersalin...aku penah research ms preggy dulu..yup,ibu2 yg lps bersalin mmg mudah kena post-partum depression...tu yg org melayu panggil gila mslh nya skrg ni aku dah lama lps pantang,tp ade gak rs depress...hahahhahaha....normal human being la aku ni kan...xde la happy selalu...
n aku rs stress gak kot psl d office..mak aie,politik d ofis jgn d main2...aku paling takut dgn mulut2 yg to control n avoid,aku mmg kureng la nk campur ngn org yg aku kategori mulut2 jahat....depan2 mulut manis,belakang mak aie,mengumpat x ingat dunia...nauzubillah...aku halal je kalau aku jd bhn umpatan tp seboleh2nya aku nk elak dr terlibat..sbb nye xde ape2 kebaikan pun pd organisasi..lingkup lg ade la sbb memasing rs diri sendiri best...
sekian coretan aku lps hujan since 4am pg td(ingat mls je nk kj..hehehehe)
Monday, May 2, 2011
labor day x cuti 3 hari?aku mcm biasa je..spent time with my growing kids..penat tau tp seronok sbb dieorg dua asal kata je nk jln,dua2 tunjuk muka eager..mmg kaki jln! aku xde la meredah jam..just bw g jusco setiawangsa (coz nk tgk sesi pembelajaran af9)nasib baik ktrg kire dtg awal,coz ms nk klua,mak aie parking penuh...memandangkan aku dah lama x mkn mcd...n mcd pun ade promo gelas coke tu,aku pun g la jusco alpha angle plak..ramai nye dpt gak la kami mkn2..(ms tu mr hubby xde, saya n my sis je n hanis n hadi)..
sambil2 tu sempat gak aku cuci mata tgk curtain ann taylor..dah lama aku mengidam tp mahal la kat jusco (actually harga mmg mahal sbb 100% cotton..hehehe) bukan apa,dulu aku ade beli kat sogo time member sale..aku dpt rm22 je utk one panel..xke murah tu kalau nk kire beli n tempah jahit..lgpun kualiti kain tiada tandingan...
well,br aku perasan, skrg ni hanis dah boleh kenal lolipop..sbb ms nk g tgk bebudk af9,ktrg lalu dpn cashier jusco,die tunjuk n kata nak..aku mula2 blur..xtau ape ke bende die nak..pastu bile aku tnye,die tunjuk lolipop..hahahahaha...memandangkan die mood ala2 x best,aku pun belikan je la...
alahai,seronok nye dpt spent ms ngn dieorg..skrg aku tgh plan kat mane nk bw g bercuti..tempat yg senang aku nk pg n ade kemudahan yg best..xnak la travel jauh2 pastu anak2 mengamuk sbb penat..pastu aku plak penat n mengamuk skali....hehehehhee
sambil2 tu sempat gak aku cuci mata tgk curtain ann taylor..dah lama aku mengidam tp mahal la kat jusco (actually harga mmg mahal sbb 100% cotton..hehehe) bukan apa,dulu aku ade beli kat sogo time member sale..aku dpt rm22 je utk one panel..xke murah tu kalau nk kire beli n tempah jahit..lgpun kualiti kain tiada tandingan...
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kakak tarik muka sbb lapar kot...hadi sperti biasa,steady je... |
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br boleh senyum2 bile ade lilipop... |
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hadi layan mkn fries kat mcd...siap jenguk2 bwh trolley fries yg terjatuh..hahahaha |
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